Inner Club Matches


We are excited to announce our inner-club matches on Saturday, November 23. The goal of this event is to provide competition experience to our less-experienced athletes, giving them the opportunity to showcase their skills and learn.

  • This event is open to ALL our white belts, as well as, any  athletes with more experience.
  • We will do our best to find suitable matches.
  • You can sign up for Jiu jitsu and/or Wrestling.
  • The cost is $20 for one division, with an additional $5 for a second division.

General admission is $5. No entrance fee for families traveling from out-of-town (>100km).

*** Space is limited to 45 spectators, therefore, ALL spectators must indicate their attendance by filling in the ticketing form. ***

For our more experienced athletes, this is a great opportunity to practice cornering teammates, as older athletes will mentor younger ones in this role. Our referees will be NextGen athletes, mentored by official, Jason Sousa, in Jiujitsu and Nathan Polakoff in Wrestling.


Here is the link to register for the event:

Here is the training schedule for that day:

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Little Champs Wrestling Techniques

9:30 AM – 10:55 AM Open Mat

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Kickboxing

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM Inner Club Room Setup

12:45 PM Inner club Matches Door Open

1:00 PM Introduction + Warmup

1:30 PM Matches start

4:00 PM Estimated end time